Friday, February 13, 2009

5 Reasons I want an Amazon Kindle (2)

So over a year ago Amazon debuted the Kindle, an ereader that can be used to read books, newspapers and magazines, download them, and other cool stuff. While I thought this was cool I did not really think it was worth the high cost of the original. Also knowing that when something is extremely popular like the iPhone, the Kindle, etc that there will always be upgrades and lowers prices down the road. So I like to wait. But now with the announcement of the Kindle 2 I thought I would chime in with the 5 reasons I would want an Amazon Kindle. p.s. my Birthday is next week.

5. All the Harry Potter Books in one place!

although I love the artwork of the books and would still want those for keepsakes.

4. All the Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, Dark Sun, Souljammer, Battletech, Star Wars and more novels that I grew up with and love but have packed away in some box somewhere.

3. Reading magazines and newspapers
Let's be real. Newspaper ink is disgusting after you have not read a paper for awhile. And having the paper on an e-reader still means you have to pay for it.

2. Always having the ability to read something on the toilet.
I'm not fronting, I get some good reading done in the bathroom.

1. Comics on demand!
It's not a reality yet, but many in the comics industry are accepting the fact that comic shops are not the only distribution out there, and so many people are downloading comics illegally each week it is creating it's own business. So once they fucking figure it out, it's only a matter of time before you can read comics on the Kindle.

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