Monday, November 23, 2009

Reason's Why I am Single

Day 23 of the Blog a Day brings me to a recurring joke I have with Facebook and Twitter statuses. It started earlier this year as me feeling a little like crap about being single. It morphed into an ongoing joke/satire/commentary on relationships and those that are not in one. So when people see me make a post that reads "....Reason #blank Why I am Single" I am either making a comment on something I have actually said, something that goes on in relationships all the time, or something I heard on a television show somewhere. So I shed the tear of a clown, but also smile and enjoy some of the witty things I come up with. And the numbering? That comes from the movie Wedding Crashers. Anytime the guys needed to prove a point they would quote rules from Wedding Crashing. I stole that idea and applied it to my reasons for being single. So the numbers are really made up, but I try not to use the same numbers twice. Even the numbering goes into the comedy of it. Enjoy.

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